Easter Garden

I posted a project on Facebook that I helped our Small Group kids work on Sunday evening.

I had folks asking how to do it, so I thought this would be the easiest way to explain.

I wasn’t planning on documenting this, so I didn’t get pictures of all the stages.

You can use whatever container you wish.


I went to the local Thrift Store and bought some baskets, and then spray painted them white. (I didn’t paint the inside since it won’t show.)

Next I laid a white garbage bag (don’t open it) over the basket to line it.  Leave the excess hang out until your garden is done.

Fill the basket/container with potting soil.

Next, use your imagination to create the scape of your garden.


I used these biodegradable pots from Walmart’s garden department for the empty tomb.


I also bought a package of sheet moss to add some instant green, while we wait for the grass to grow. =)


Add soil all over the top of the tomb.

Next use some pebbles to create a path. We got ours from our playground area outside, but you can buy them with the mini garden supplies at a greenhouse.  Walmart might have them too?

Then add your moss.


Now you are ready to plant your grass.  Someone said that wheat grows faster then grass, so that’s what we used.  I just got 2# from a local Feed Elevator.  (I only used about 1/2# for the four gardens we made) It’s considered bird feed, I think. Really cheep.  You can use any kind of wheat you want!

Plant it really thick, so you have nice thick grass when it grows.

Lightly cover the seeds with more potting soil.

Create 3 crosses from sticks and twine.  Make the crosses really long, so you have room to stick them down into the dirt nice and deep and sturdy.

Plant the crosses.

Get a large rock outside to use as the tomb stone.

Optional, but adds pretty: You can get small mini garden flowers to plant in a corner somewhere.

Now trim off the excess bag.

Get a spray bottle filled with fresh water to mist your seeded area.

You will need to keep this moist.

Spray it several times a day.

In a few days you will see the seeds begin to sprout!

By Easter you should have a beautiful picture of the true meaning of Easter!





If your grass grows too high, use a scissors to “mow” the grass.


Here is a picture that I got off the web.  See how pretty it looks with the green grass!


Can’t wait till ours starts to grow!

Okay, now go get your supplies quick  and get this started so it’s in full bloom by Easter!

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